Test Approches for Green and Brown Field Projects

The picture  on the right side show the relationships between the different test levels. The tests are a kind of test stages in green field projects. Usually, the stages are done from bottom to top and from different parties or members of the time.



Green Field Projects (and also new code in brown field if possible)

Here it is to be pointed out, that the usual order of testing in Green Field Projects (and code writing) is done in the following direction:

  1. Writing Code (developer)
  2. Checking Code (developer and CI system with plugins)
  3. Writing Unit Tests (performed as block in TDD with steps 1 and 2)
  4. Writing Component Tests (developer and QA)
  5. Writing Integration Tests (developer and QA)
  6. Setting up automated GUI tests (QA)
  7. Manual Testing (QA and if needed, developers conducted by QA)
  8. Endurance Tests (QA)
  9. Performance Tests
  10. Load Tests (Stress Tests)
  11. Decoupled: Penetration Tests (continuously by all, but systematically by QA)

The first three steps which go hand in hand and in TDD it seems that the numbering is reorder to 3, 1 and 2, but the code of the tests is also code.

The tests become from one step to the next less detailed, but go more into use cases and real world scenarios. The tests become also more and more realistic in the configuration and setup in relationship to the target environment. Even patch levels need to be controlled, if needed.

Brown Field Projects

In Brown Field Projects it is the other way around. A legacy code base is available and not under test. The approach can not go here to write unit tests first, because it is too much work to do and in most cases it takes a long time to understand the old legacy code. To get a good unit test suite, one calculates roughly to have at least 1 unit test for every 100 lines. In a legacy code base for only 100,000 lines it would mean to write at least 1,000 meaningful unit tests. This work would really suck…

The approach goes here to write integration tests first to assure the basic functionality. The basic use cases need to be right and the functionality is assured. With integration tests not all paths of working can be checked, but the basic behavior, the correct results for the most important use cases and the error handling for the most common error scenarios can be checked.

As soon as new functionality is developed, functionality changed or extended, new integration tests are to be implemented first to assure the still needed functionality stays unchanged and the new functionality is tested as it is required. Unit test and other tests are implemented as needed and practical.

As soon as an integration check fails, the failure analysis will reveal the details of the issue. These details are then check with additionally developed component and unit tests. As long as this procedure is used, more and more meaningful unit tests are developed and the more test coverage is reached.

The same is with GUI tests. At first one has only a chance to perform manual GUI tests. Later on the most common use cases and the general GUI behavior can be tested automatically. This also leads to a better test coverage.

In Brown Field Projects the tests in different tests groups are also developed in parallel. Integration tests are developed in parallel with the performing of manual testing which assures the current ability to deliver of the software. The current situation at hand dictates what is to be done.

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